
monday polemic

Did anyone stay up to watch the Oscars last night? I intended to, and tried, but the show was so boring, I finally followed my tiredness to bed about 10:00. The intensity of the hype is ultimately so ridiculous compared to what the show actually delivers; amazing my feeble brain doesn't remember it year after year. Got mindlessly sucked into the anticipation, tricked into thinking that all the "new technology" had something meaningful to enhance my life. It did not. Ah, the ruse of marketing. Had I a less-fallible brain or a more well-developed intuition, I would have clairvoyantly known to avoid the whole thing.

But — c'est la vie, as we Americans who know no French like to say. What attempted to pass as an unprecedented interactive experience was actually mere pander to the now-prevalent biologic aberration: the fractionalized attention span. Dozens of cams offered presumed exclusive views into the experience — fan cam, fashion cam, announcer cam, famous faces cam, 360 skyview cam, paparazzi cam, host cam, 360 grand stair cam, thank you cam, backstage cam, control booth cam, winners' photo cam, on and on and on.... My faves were the shameless "champagne cam" and "lobby bar cam" encouraging you to keep track of who was drinking what. Reality is, was just one experience chopped up into meaningless, unrecognizable bits called "options." (Read Barry Schwartz' The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less) Anyway, I eventually "woke" from the snorefest and chose the time-tested more productive dreamland.